Application Advice From Heatstar: Whenever You Need It
Application Advice From Heatstar: Whenever You Need It
Heatstar is a people-orientated company, placing great emphasis on a close relationship with both the swimming pool trade and consumers alike. Our extensive knowledge and swimming pool application expertise provides unequalled support in the selection of an environmental control system, from quotation stage right through to commissioning and installation.
5 things to expect from Heatstar during unit selection
1. Expert advice
All quotations for Heatstar systems are provided directly by knowledgeable
Heatstar staff at Heatstar's head office.
2. Energy consumption
The comprehensive information provided by Heatstar to customers includes projections of consumptions of energy, fuel and even carbon emissions.
3. Building regulations
Heatstar manufacture their products to be fully compliant with the latest building regulations and Heatstar are able to offer hassle free advice on this matter.
4. Renewable energy
Heatstar’s unique application software fully supports the latest renewable energy initiatives and they are pleased to accommodate unusual heating water flow temperatures or system efficiencies relating to specific or unusual applications.
5. Air ducting advice
Heatstar are also pleased to advise on aspects such as air distribution ducting and also all elements of the pool hall building structure to ensure a completely successful application.
But the support from Heatstar’s knowledgeable staff doesn’t stop there. During the selection of a Heatstar system the Heatstar team offer extensive advice regarding any unusual or particular requirements to their project and are able to create a bespoke design and achieve the customers’ expectations.
Heatstar’s unique software can take into account practically every aspect of the design to provide a clear and transparent specification and estimation to annual energy consumption and running costs.
Give our expert sales team a call today on 01983 521 465 or email [email protected]
Posted On:
April 1, 2021